Side Hustle School: an unlikely partnership and community

van Rooyen A1

1Confidence Hackers, Brunswick West, Australia

Amazing things happen when you blur the lines… like a partnership between a local charity, a social enterprise and a for-purpose business to build the next generation of business owners.

Side Hustle School is the result.

Created using a unique 50/50 split of mindset and business skills, Side Hustle School also brought together a unique mix of partners, content, guest speakers (including a former international student drop out turned $1M+ valued business owner, a former convicted criminal and a real estate mogul), and participants aged from 16 to 60 (including high school, international and domestic university students and current local business owners).

Through this, new friendships and connections were borne and a new community of like-minded individuals was founded.

Participants also built an increased awareness of the charity, with many indicating that they would be likely to (and did) volunteer to support them.

But even more than that, research pre- and post-program showed participants either doubled or almost doubled their:

  • Confidence to start a new business
  • Feelings of closeness to starting their side hustle
  • Feeling of being supported to start and grow their side hustle
  • Feeling of community

With a 90% start up business failure rate, building these ecosystems and networks, together with business and founder mindset, critical thinking and resilience skills is vital to retaining international students to become the entrepreneurs and business-people of the future.

This presentation will share the highlights and learnings from Side Hustle School.


As a human behaviour expert and Chief Confidence Hacker, Anita has supported more than 10,000 IS using proven adult learning, positive psychology and behaviour-change models to accelerate wellbeing and self-leadership outcomes, all while retaining a sense of fun and adventure.

Anita has steered Confidence Hackers to being shortlisted for inclusion in the upcoming Federal Government Best Practise Guide for IS, having a Staff Wellbeing course endorsed by Monash University and being recognised by the IEAA through an Excellence in Innovation Award.

Anita previously spent 15 years with charities such as Landcare, the Victorian Innovation Centre and the Property Industry Foundation.

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